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What Should I Do If ?: Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

When you take time reading to your children, they gain confidence and become more proficient readers. This will result in your children being more likely to read on their own. The more they read, the more they learn and about and become interested in things. As their interest in learning grows, their vocabulary grows, and both their grades and their standardized test scores will also rise. They even become more focused in class. There are actually many reasons and they all last a lifetime.

That favorite book is probably a source of comfort or security to your child. Reading that same book could reveal new things about the pictures, text and even meaning of the book. Still, you don’t want this to stall your child’s learning development either. Discuss the favored book. Learn why your child loves it so much. Consult your local library or school district for similar books. Then use the book as a gateway to other books your child might like or even as a reward for reading other books.

That’s easy. There are a number of different resources and lists that will help you find good books. Here are a few you can easily search for and locate online:
The American Library Association Youth Media Awards, which include the prestigious Caldecott, Coretta Scott King, and Newbery medals The Horn Book’s annual Fanfare list
The New York Public Library’s 100 Great Children’s Books
School Library Journal’s Best Books

The most important thing is that your child actually hears the story. You can read aloud to your child while he or she is coloring or during bath time.

Encourage your son to work it out by himself. Ask him: “What would make sense here?” Tell him to try to “stretch out” the word to help him work through it. Mind you, you don’t want your son to get overly frustrated during reading time. Give him three tries and then if need me tell him the word and read on.

Now that you know just how important reading is, we hope you will join us. Our free program is an organized series of workshops specifically designed for young parents. Come learn the joys of reading to your children and improve the lives of your children at the same time.